See Our $50 million dollar agency blueprint that will increase your sales conversions up to 7x your agency sales

Get back more time while drastically reducing operating costs and increasing efficiency


Custom Tailored & Personal

We understand that every business is unique, which is why we offer a tailored approach to automation. Our team of experts will work closely with you to identify areas of your business that can benefit from automation and develop a customized plan that meets your specific needs.

Your Business on Autopilot.

Welcome to LAVA, your one-stop-shop for all things automation in business. Our mission is to help businesses streamline their operations and increase efficiency through the power of automation. Here are just a few ways that LAVA can help transform your business:

Automating Repetitive Tasks
Improved Accuracy and Consistency
Cost Savings

How our insurance automation blueprint can help your agency scale

Lava's CRM Technology can get things off your plate to help give you back your time, help you close more deals, and help you scale your agency faster with state of the art technology to help you manage you manage your agency

Unified Systems

By integrating our CRM technology with your AMS, we eliminate double data entry. No more discrepancies. Pure efficiency and productivity.

Increased Revenue

Our clients have experienced a minimum 25% increase in new revenue, with some soaring to a 7× increase. A streamlined system equals heightened productivity and more sales.

Stellar Reviews

A satisfied customer is a vocal one. Experience a surge in positive reviews as your service delivery becomes more efficient and consistent.

Cross Selling

Uncover an average of $100K a month in cross-sell opportunities you may have been missing out on (depending on the size of vour agency)

Done For Your Implementation

The 10,000 Hour Experts: Our team has spent years on mastering the independent insurance agent technology; marketing and administrative space.We've set up over quarter billion in agency premium in the last few years so you don't have to trial and error your own agency systems. Our team of experts will implement this turn key solution in a matter of weeks

AI Management

Lava's CRM Technology can get things off your plate to help give you back your time, help you close more deals, and help you scale your agency faster with state of the art technology to help you manage you manage your agency

Some Steps We Take For You


Automating Repetitive Tasks

Tired of spending hours on end completing the same mundane tasks day after day? LAVA can help automate these processes, freeing up your valuable time and allowing you to focus on the more important aspects of your business.


Improved Accuracy and Consistency

Human error is inevitable, but with LAVA, you can minimize the risk. Our automation processes ensure that your tasks are completed with the utmost accuracy and consistency, improving the overall quality of your business operations.


Cost Savings

By automating your business processes, you can significantly reduce your costs. With LAVA, you'll see a decrease in labor costs, fewer errors resulting in less money lost, and an increase in overall efficiency.


Scalability and Growth

As your business grows, so do your needs. LAVA's automation capabilities allow you to scale up your operations without the added expense of hiring additional staff. Our services will grow with your business, ensuring that you always have the support you need.

What our customers say about us

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