Learn how local insurance agents are using Virtual Assistants to double their premium production while taking back their daily productivity

Get back more time while drastically reducing operating costs and increasing efficiency

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How an insurance trained VA can help you scale


Our VAs are pros at preparing insurance proposals from personal lines to commercial lines, so all you have to do is show up to your sales calls ready to sell, while your VA puts in the grunt work to get your quotes ready to present

Remarketing At Renewal

We know its hard to find time to re-market existing customers at renewal. Your VA will do this on auto pilot which will present more sales opportunities and increase retention. Agencies with VAs working re-marketing campaigns see an average retention rate of 96%

Acting As An Agency Receptionist

We know you and your staff are busy with money making activities, and would rather not deal with the countless calls and tasks your agency sees per day. From taking payments to calling underwriting, your VA will handle all the upfront agency tasks and can be trained to assign tasks to team members, service requests, send documents and leave messages for you and your team

Documentation Prep

ID Cards, quoting documents, mortgagee change requests, Accord forms, signature forms, COIs, EOIs - all the annoying stuff about running an agency and taking care of customers will be handled by our VAs so you don't ever have to worry about the "little things" again.

General Data Entry & CRM Management

Sometimes it can feel like we're typing our lives away with tedious note taking, CRM data, sales data, and anything related to data entry. Your VA will be trained to know your agency systems and processes so you and your team will never have to worry about time wasting data entry tasks ever again.

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(And VAs).

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